Thursday, January 19, 2017

Season ten, I think we've seen this plot before.

(You know when a show runs for too long and the episodes seem like episodes from the first few seasons - I'm looking at you Law & Order.  I feel like my blogs are kind of the same.  Planning, shopping, packing...  sorry, feel free to turn the channel.  I had a special request for a packing post though so ya gotta give the people what they want)

After last vacation's debacle with my horrible packing (too many distractions with bathroom renos and house guests and sleeping in), I am trying to be better prepared this time.  And to take the right bag.  I have two backpacks. They both have zip-on day packs.  This is awesome for checking bags because two-for-one.  They are almost the same but one is a bit bigger (good) but the smaller one has a cool feature which allows the day pack to hook onto the straps of the bigger pack.  So, I can carry the little pack on my front while in transit.  I forgot about that when packing for Europe and had to carry my little pack in my hand which is awkward when in a hurry. 
That bottle with the green cap is a Colgate toothpaste bottle
We are hoping to carry on our bags, at least on the way there.  Which means very limited liquids.  No container can be more than 100 mls.  All liquid containers have to fit into a 1 litre Ziploc baggie. And by all accounts, it isn't easy to get sunscreen or bug spray in Costa Rica.  And ZIKA! Dengue! Malaria! Chikungunya! Other Scary Stuff!  Valerie will attest to the fact that the mosquitos love me.   So, to not die a horrible bone fever/skin cancer death,  I want to take as much of these two as I can.  I have a Ziploc baggie from some unknown airport that I have been saving for years for just such an emergency.  It is just slightly bigger (but enough bigger that everything fits). 

Well organized!

And my hair.  Let's all think back to the time in Thailand I thought I could get away with no conditioner.  No, actually, let's pretend that never happened and just agree that I need to take conditioner. 

I usually use Colgate toothpaste bottles as my travel bottles but I didn't have enough room for everything.  I found some kids shampoo in 73 ml bottles which were just small enough to fit.  I got a hair cut to reduce my hair by 17% so it should work out (just kidding but I did get a hair cut and it is about 17% shorter so...).  Bonus,  I get to look at the Minions and Spiderman every time I wash my hair. 
I managed to fit two sunscreens and two bug sprays in.  But the caps for the bug spray won't fit so I am praying that saran wrap is going to cut it until we get to our final destination.  (again, let's all recall the time my bug spray blew up in my luggage to Cuba and soaked my medication.  Note to self, pack mediation away from liquids).

Two things.  1. I wish my hair looked
this good.  2. there are a disturbing
amount of pictures of Minions with
hair on the internet.  Why?! 
I was loading everything on the guest bed but I had a guest who actually wanted to use the bed.  So, now everything is stacked up on Chris's folding table (that I stole out of her shed).

This weekend I will try to shove it all in the small backpack.  I will let you know.    Definitely no more shopping required. 

Here is Turrialba volcano in action
A couple of things to note. 

Costa Rica has several active volcanos, one of which (Turrialba) has decided to become even more active and closed down the San Jose Airport in September.  Keeping our eye on that situation.  Here is a daily activity update on Turrialba if you want to keep track.  To save you linking in, "Current status: minor activity or eruption warning (3 out of 5)" and " Typical eruption style:  Explosive."  One does not like anything to be 'explosive' while on vacation.  Note to self:  Pepto Bismol  (chewable, not liquid, I don't have room for liquid).  

I ordered some Costa Rican Colones but I haven't gotten them yet. I hear that the Canadian dollar took a dive yesterday so not great timing on that.  On the other hand, I already bought some American cash so I guess it all balances out. 

One Canadian dollar = 378 CR Colones

Note to self:  either learn to multiply and divide by 378 or take a calculator. 

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